Programming for pregnant
& postpartum Athletes

Created by pelvic floor physical therapists that love barbells, The Barbell Mamas guides powerlifters, weightlifters, and CrossFitters through their fitness journeys during this new stage of life.

What's a
Barbell Mama?

bar⋅bell ma⋅ma: /ˈbärˌbel /ˈmämə/ 

  1. A barbell-loving pregnant or postpartum athlete*

*any mama or mama-to-be that likes lifting weights for fun or sport

Programs for Pregnant &
Postpartum Athletes

As you move through different stages of being a pregnant or postpartum athlete, you’ll need to modify your movements.

Our programs, created by physical therapists (who are also athletes), will help guide you every step of the way.

For our pregnant athletes we break everything down by trimester, and for our postpartum athletes we have an ongoing program to help you return to your sport.

Considerations such as having a c-section, diastasis recti, incontinence, and/or prolapse will be included in your weekly programming.

A community of like-minded barbell lovers

When you’re a pregnant or postpartum athlete, you may find it difficult to find a community for this new stage of your life. You may have some mama friends, but they may not be athletes or going through the same thing you are. You may be someone that sometimes feels shame or sadness because you have to start modifying movements, and because you miss exercising at a high intensity. 

Your brain may want to build faster than your body can, and small progressions may feel really frustrating. (These small progressions pay off in the long run though, trust us.) 

You’re a badass – you’re a barbell mama who’s dealing with recovery, sleep deprivation, and your new priorities. 

We’re here for you. This is your community of like-minded mamas who are going through similar challenges while navigating their sport.

We’re here to cheer you on and help guide you through your journey as a barbell mama.

From the Blog


Meet some of the people involved with teaching you about different aspects of being a pregnant or postpartum athlete.

Christina Prevett

MScPT, CSCS, PhD (Candidate)

Dr. Ellison Melrose


Dr. Jessica Gingerich


Dr. Rachel Moore


Want to learn more about navigating being a pregnant or postpartum athlete? Join our community to get access to free resources!